Clubs & Organizations

There is never a lack of opportunities to get involved at CT State Northwestern! All of Northwestern’s clubs and organizations look forward to welcoming new students. And with a variety of them to choose from – all representing a diversity of student interests – you’re sure to find a group for you. If not, you can always start your own club – all ideas are welcome!

Computer and Analytics Club

The Computer and Analytic club engages in both in-person and virtual events that explore students interested in modern computer technology, speaking with industry guests,  and more.


Business Club

The Northwestern Business Club promotes organizational leadership to students looking to master professional life-long learning attributes and the further the building of an environment of collaboration, teamwork, and collegiality. Students in this club encourage an environment that promotes the development of skills in communication, leadership and networking.


Criminal Justice Club

This group promotes the Criminal Justice Program at NCCC through speakers, programs and scholarship.


Dungeons and Dragons Club

This group promotes the well being of our members and uses role-playing as a healthy emotional outlet and to help further members’ understanding of themselves and others.


Early Childhood Education Club

The purpose of this club is to advocate for young children and their families within our surrounding communities, to network and build connections with organizations that support children and families in various capacities within the northwest region of Connecticut, and to promote the personal and professional growth and development of our club members.


History Association

This group promotes an appreciation of the historical past through shared discovery. It furthers historical knowledge and advances critical thought.


LGBT+ Club

This group strives to strengthen and sustain a welcoming and inclusive community for all NCCC students and provide resources on LGBT+ community.


American Sign Language Club

This group brings together deaf and hard-of-hearing students, as well as students of American Sign Language for cultural, social and recreational activities.


Student Nurses Association

This group promotes accountable, compassionate and skilled graduates that can continually advance the art and science of the nursing profession.


Northwestern National Association of Veterinary Technician in America (NAVTA)

NAVTA promotes educational and social activities for Veterinary Technology students, furthering their knowledge and involvement with animals within our community and beyond.


Literature Club

The Northwestern Literature Club’s main objective is to promote literacy in the Northwestern Community by reading through various published works of poems, magazines, and novels.


Sports Club

This club meets regularly to play miscellaneous sports games. It promotes physical health and well being while teaching the importance of team work. If you are interested in learning more please contact their advisor below.


Outdoor Adventure Club

This club promotes healthy living, social interaction, and exercise through fun outdoor excursions such as hiking, rock climbing, ziplining, and rafting.  The club operates on the philosophy of “Challenge by Choice”: club members are encouraged to participate in activities at the level which they feel comfortable.


Phi Theta Kappa/Alpha Nu Epsilon Chapter

This group provides opportunities for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate for the exchange of ideas and ideals, for lively fellowship for scholars and for stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence. Membership is extended by invitation to all students who are enrolled in an Associate Degree Program, have accumulated 12 credits, have a 3.45 grade point average and who are of good moral character and possess recognized qualities of citizenship.


Poetry Club

Students explore the world of poetry together through expression of written and verbally performed literature.


Student Government

The Student Senate serves as the governing body representing CT State Northwestern students for the purpose of promoting the general welfare of the student body, to stimulate interest in activities contributing to our improvement and to provide every student with experience in democratic government.


Drama Club


Get involved!
Contact the Student Activities Office for more information.
