Peer2Peer Mentoring Program
Partnering Northwestern CCS 1001 Students with Peer Mentors
What is Peer2Peer?
Peer2Peer is a peer mentoring program provided to each Northwestern student enrolled in College and Career Success (CCS) 1001. Peer Mentors support CCS 1001 students in navigating the transition to college life, their proficiency in academic literacy skills, and fostering meaningful connections with others on Northwestern’s campus.
Who are the Peer Mentors?
Peer Mentors are students just like CCS 1001 students, except they have the experience of being a second or third-year Northwestern student. All Peer Mentors complete training, meet weekly, and are excited to support students!
For more information, contact Tracy Smith, Peer2Peer Coordinator, at
This project is supported through Federal Work Study, the Northwestern Community College Foundation, and the Greenwood Scholarship Foundation.