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Northwestern Connecticut Community College offers support services and courses for students who are deaf and/or hard of hearing through the Collegiate Education for Deaf & Hard of Hearing Program (CEDHH). CEDHH assures that deaf and hard-of-hearing students have full access to NCCC’s academic offerings by providing a comprehensive array of support services.

These services include, but are not limited to:

  • Academic tutoring
  • Advisement
  • Placement testing
  • Consultation
  • Sign language or oral interpreting for academic classes and co-curricular activities
  • Note takers for classes
  • Live classroom captioning
  • Academic advisement and specialized remedial and developmental courses in English and mathematics

In addition, CEDHH also supports a popular student organization at NCCC: the Northwest Deaf Club.

CEDHH’s main offices are located on NCCC’s campus at Founders Hall, Rm 102. In addition to CEDHH staff, a number of faculty, professional and classified staff members have sign language skills and can assist students. Interpreters for any college function or meeting may be requested by contacting the CEDHH Interpreter Coordinator.

videophone booth is available for use at NCCC, as well. It’s located in the lobby of Green Woods Hall near the multipurpose room. The videophone allows deaf and hard of hearing individuals to speak directly to others by use of a qualified, trained interpreter through video relay services.

If you are interested in learning more about Northwestern Connecticut Community College and the support services provided for deaf and hard of hearing students, please contact:

Sarah Bement, Interpreter/Tutor

Collegiate Education for Deaf & Hard of Hearing, Deaf Studies, and Interpreter Preparation Programs

Northwestern Connecticut Community College
Park Place East, Winsted, CT 06098
860.738.6382 (voice/tty)
860.469.3138 (voice/videophone)
860.379.3886 (fax)