Suggestions to Support Academic Success

Emphasize the Value of Education

  • Behind almost every successful college student is a family that values education and that recognizes its importance to the quality of young people’s lives. Remind them that their education matters as much to you as it does to them. Encourage them to make college a priority. If possible, enrolling as a full-time student is best. Students who go full-time can immerse fully in the experience, complete requirements more quickly, and potentially go on to earn a bachelor’s degree more quickly if that’s what they want to do.

Remember that College is Different from High School

  • For many college students, adjusting to the pace and expectations of college can be a challenge. If your loved one seems concerned about making this transition, you might suggest an appointment with our Center for Student Development.

Encourage students to make their own decisions, learn from their failures, and enjoy their successes.

  • As parents and family members, it is natural to want to advocate and “fix” problems as they arise in the student’s life. The college years are a crucial time for students to develop the ability to overcome obstacles, work with others from diverse backgrounds, and build grit. When a student does face an obstacle, be supportive by encouraging them to seek out the resources, meet with the professor, make an appointment with their academic advisor, apply for financial aid, or seek out tutoring. A student’s ability to recognize and take actions to succeed will only help them as they transition into their career.

Encourage Involvement in College Activities

  • College activities—cultural events, lectures, and clubs are an important part of students’ college experience. They complement students’ classroom education and offer participants opportunities to learn about themselves, others, and the world at large. Encourage them to become involved in or start a Student Club or Organization. Contact Student Activities at 860-738-6344 or