College Policies

Plagiarism: Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty are not tolerated at Northwestern Connecticut
Community College. Violators of this policy will be subject to sanctions ranging from failure of the
assignment (receiving a zero), failing the course, being removed/expelled from the program
and/or the College. Please refer to your “Student Handbook” under “Policy on Student Rights,”
the Section entitled “Student Discipline,” or the College Catalog for additional information.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA):

Students with Disabilities (including short-term impairments): If you are a student with a documented disability and you believe you will need accommodations or academic adjustments for this class, it is your responsibility to contact the Office of Student Accessibility/Disability Services. To avoid any delay in receipt of accommodations or academic adjustments, you should contact the Office of Disability Services as soon as possible. In response to your request, the Office of Student Accessibility/Disability Services may ask you to provide supporting medical documentation, diagnostic test results or professional prescriptions to evaluate your request for the accommodations or academic adjustments. The Office of Student Accessibility/Disability Services may also obtain its own professional determination of whether specific requested accommodations or academic adjustments are necessary. Please note that accommodations or academic adjustments cannot be provided until approved and an accommodation letter from the Office of Student Accessibility/Disability Services has been received by faculty and student. If you experience a temporary impairment or medical condition, and it interferes with your schoolwork, call 860-738-6437 or e-mail

School Cancellations:  If snowy or icy driving conditions cause the postponement or cancellation of classes, announcements will be made on local radio and television stations and posted on the College’s website at  Students may also call the College directly at (860) 738-6464 to hear a recorded message concerning any inclement weather closings.  Students are urged to exercise their own judgment if road conditions in their localities are hazardous.

Use of Electronic Devices: Some course content as presented in Blackboard Learn is not fully supported on mobile devices at this time.  While mobile devices provide convenient access to check in and read information about your courses, they should not be used to perform work such as taking tests, quizzes, completing assignments, or submitting substantive discussion posts.

Course Withdrawal:  If you are thinking about withdrawing from this class, SPEAK TO YOUR INSTRUCTOR first.  Your instructor will be able to give you an idea of how you are doing overall and may be able to offer you suggestions for improvement and explain other options available.  BEFORE you withdraw, consider the following:

  • Withdrawing from a class can have an impact not only on your current funding (e.g. Financial Aid, Veteran’s benefits or Scholarships, etc.) but may also impact your FUTURE funding
  • Withdrawing from a class will make you ineligible for Dean’s List Honors for that semester
  • Too many W’s on your transcript can impact your ability to transfer to a four-year institution, acceptance into a particular degree program and/or acceptance into graduate school

Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner Violence Resource Team:  NCCC is committed to creating a community that is safe and supportive of people of all gender and sexual identities. This pertains to the entire campus community, whether on ground or virtual, students, faculty, or staff.

Sexual assault and intimate partner violence is an affront to our national conscience and one we cannot ignore.  It is our hope that no one within our campus community will become a victim of these crimes.  However, if it occurs, NCCC has created the SART Team – Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner Violence Resource Team – to meet the victim’s needs.

SART is a campus and community-based team that is fully trained to provide trauma-informed compassionate service and referrals for comprehensive care.  The team works in partnership with The Susan B. Anthony Project to extend services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week throughout the year.

The SART Team members are:

Susan B. Anthony Project 24 Hour Hotline    860-482-7133
Ruth Gonzalez, Ph.D. 860-738-6315 Goulet House Room 115
Andrew Wetmore 860-738-6344 Green Woods Hall Room 110
Michael Emanuel 860-738-6389 Founders Hall Annex Room 308
Alayna Sholtis 860-738-6468 Green Woods Hall Room 210
Tracy Smith-Michnowicz 860-738-6305 Founders Hall Annex Room 308
Daneen Huddart 860-738-6318 Green Woods Hall Room 303
Brian Plessinger 860-738-6409 Founders Hall Rm 105
Jay Whitaker, Ex-Officio 860-738-6319 Founders Hall Room 103

At NCCC we care about our students, staff, and faculty and their well-being.  It is our intention to facilitate the resources needed to help achieve both physical and emotional health.

Basic Needs Security:

NCCC has several resources to support students who may have difficulty with living expenses including; accessing sufficient food to eat every day, and/or having a safe and stable place to live. We recognize that personal life challenges can negatively affect classroom performance so we have available several assistance options. For students who may have food insecurities, we offer Food for Thought, NCCC’s student food pantry, which is located in Founders Hall Annex 3rd floor. The hours are posted on our Food for Thought website, located under the Student Services tab of the NCCC homepage.  If you have questions about the food pantry, please contact either Prof. Crystal Wiggins at or Prof. Todd Bryda at

The NCCC Student Emergency Fund is another option that can help students financially to manage crisis situations. To apply for student emergency funding, please contact Ruth Gonzalez, Director of the Office of Student and Community Life s at to fill out an application.

If you need assistance with finding a safe and stable place to live or are struggling with an addiction, please contact our Center for Student Development (CSD) for a list of community resources.